• Image of 3 piece hammered silver phantom quartz set
  • Image of 3 piece hammered silver phantom quartz set
  • Image of 3 piece hammered silver phantom quartz set
  • Image of 3 piece hammered silver phantom quartz set
  • Image of 3 piece hammered silver phantom quartz set

Check out what The Goddess is creating 🤍 Is this set yours? This custom Divine Authentic Beauty / Crystal Chakra Jewelry set boasts of Hammered Stainless Steel choker necklace, Earrings and Ring with Phantom Quartz !!!
Pieces can be bought separately just send me a message:
Ring - $65
Earrings - $65
Necklace - $75

Here are the healing and alignment benefits of Phantom Quartz:

phantom quartz is a quartz variety known for its phantom or “ghost-like” inclusions of black carbon or manganese. In metaphysical healing, this crystal is believed to facilitate mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.

It also helps in identifying issues in your life that you need resolve so you can move forward with courage and confidence. It will give you the power and creativity to start afresh and live out your genuine self.

Shamans consider phantom quartz to be the light stone. It symbolizes the light residing in every person. Toltec philosophy claims that every living being is a light being, which means all organisms come from the same source and are interconnected.

But our light can get dimmed and often not seen by the naked eye. This causes us to feel disconnected from others and the world. Phantom quartz counters this effect. Its light helps restore our bond with every living creature.

It is believed that the crystal can heighten intuition and create a connection with one’s spirit guide. Phantom quartz is used to access the angelic realm. It is beneficial in unblocking and activating the third eye and crown chakras. As a result, greater consciousness and spiritual growth is achieved.

The crystal also has the ability to balance the root and sacral chakras, the areas that can get blocked by a person’s traumas. Blocked lower chakras can lead to fear and low self-esteem. Phantom quartz clears out and balances these energy points to replace unproductive energies with love, creativity, sexuality, and stability.

Divine Goddess Jackie